For the latest regulatory advances and discussions in food technology, as well as guidance and insight into regulatory debate and legislation, EU Specialty Food Ingredients is the authoritative source for industry news and information.
2015-05 EU Specialty Food Ingredients Member ISA organises a Symposium on sweet taste management
Touching on the very topical subject of the management of sweet taste in our daily life, the speakers will present the latest results into case studies and research on sweet taste, food intake behaviour and appetite for sweet products, the impact on body weight, and...
2015-04 EU Specialty Food Ingredients to speak at Vitafoods
Translating good science into good business: the Vitafoods Europe Conference 2015 considers the full production cycle, exploring what it takes to get a product from idea conception all the way to the shelves. Mrs Hervé is invited to contribute to the Opening Keynote panel discussions...
2015-03 Energy balance clearly explained by EUFIC
EU Specialty Food Ingredients welcomes this video, as it translates science behind the concept of energy balance in a clear, easily understandable and engaging way. It also gives practical tips for a healthy energy balance. The specialty food ingredients industry is also committed to play a key role in improving the...
2014-12 Contribution of specialty food ingredients to environmental sustainability demonstrated at 3rd Symposium
This fruitful panel discussion was preceded by high-level presentations: The Symposium was introduced by EU Specialty Food Ingredients President Hans Christian Ambjerg, who reminded that well-managed food systems are essential to end hunger and malnutrition as well as to protect the environment and its long-term food...
2014-11 EU Specialty Food Ingredients member ISA supports World Diabetes Day
As part of its ongoing support for World Diabetes Day (WDD), the ISA is addressing the importance of healthy eating and lifestyle choices by injecting fun and flavour into WDD, with the release of a specially developed animation, as well as a series of healthy...
2014-11 EU Specialty Food Ingredients President to speak at Food Innovation Summit
The Food Innovation Summit 2015 will focus on a comprehensive approach, from farm to plate, on most promising technologies and techniques that can challenge our future food security and safety. This summit which has been designed to be a unique event at the European level regarding...