For the latest regulatory advances and discussions in food technology, as well as guidance and insight into regulatory debate and legislation, EU Specialty Food Ingredients is the authoritative source for industry news and information.
2016-06 Commission’s roadmap for the risk management of re-evaluated food additives
To date EFSA has published scientific opinions for about one third of the 316 additives subject to this re-evaluation and has re-confirmed the safety of most of them at their currently reported uses and use levels in foods and drinks. The scientific assessment is based...
2016-05 5th EU Specialty Food Ingredients annual Forum on Sustainability in the specialty food ingredients sector
The morning session was open to external speakers and brought together representatives of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform), of Wageningen University, of the compound feed sector FEFAC and of the chocolate, biscuits and confectionery sector CAOBISCO. This gave the opportunity to hear about...
2016-01 EU Specialty Food Ingredients appointed member of the new High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain
Following the end of the mandate of the former Forum in December 2014, the European Commission set up a new Forum to help develop policy in the food and drink sector and contribute to a better functioning food supply chain by a Commission decision adopted...
2016-01 Access to genetic resources: EU Specialty Food Ingredients appointed member of the ABS Consultation Forum
Following the publication in November 2015 of the Implementing Regulation of the ABS Regulation (on compliance measures for users from the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization in the Union), the European...
2015-11 A new President for EU Specialty Food Ingredients
At its AGM on 17th November, EU Specialty Food Ingredients General Assembly elected a new Board. Mr Franck Monmont, Regional Director EMEA at Cargill, was appointed President of the federation. He then declared “I am truly honoured by this election and would like to thank the...
2015-11 EU Specialty Food Ingredients welcomes 3 new members!
Two companies (Hunstman Pigments and Additives and BK Giulini GmbH) and one trade association (Marinalg International) have decided to join EU Specialty Food Ingredients as from 1st January 2016. Maryse Hervé, EU Specialty Food Ingredients Secretary General, commented: “We are delighted that these companies and association are...