
For the latest regulatory advances and discussions in food technology, as well as guidance and insight into regulatory debate and legislation, EU Specialty Food Ingredients is the authoritative source for industry news and information.


EUFIC, the European Food Information Council, has put on line a video that explains what food additives are and their technological role in foods and beverages. EU Specialty Food Ingredients welcome this educational tool that supplements the various information packages about food additives, which are...

2018-02 EU Specialty Food Ingredients congratulates its member ISA on its digital distinction

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA), one of the members of EU Specialty Food Ingredients, has done particularly well by gathering the most YouTube views in 2017 out of 598 European associations, according to  a survey carried out by Cambre Associates. Congratulations to the ISA!

2018-01 Deletion of an additive from the European Union list as part of the safety re-evaluation process

The Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/98 deleting calcium sorbate (E 203) from the Union list of food additives was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 23rd January 2018. This publication follows the re-evaluation of sorbic acid (E 200), potassium sorbate (E 202) and...

2018-01 Fitness check of General Food Law: EU Specialty Food Ingredients findings on industry competitiveness acknowledged by Commission

The European Commission published on 15th January 2018 its final report of the Fitness Check of the General Food Law (also known as “GFL” – Regulation (EC) 178/2002). Launched in 2014, this “Fitness Check” exercise has consisted in assessing whether the GFL is ‘fit for...

2017-11 EU Specialty Food Ingredients elects a strengthened Board

Mr Speleers, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Beneo, is re-appointed President. Mrs Marie-Laure Empinet (Executive Committee Member at Starch Europe) is appointed Vice-President and Mr François Scheffler (Vice President - Global Segment Management Human Nutrition, Nutrition & Health Division at BASF SE)...

2017-11 EU Specialty Food Ingredients welcomes two new members

At its AGM on 15 November 2017, the General Assembly of members confirms the membership of the additive group of the German Chemical industry Association VCI (Fachvereiningung Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe im Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V.) and of Corbion as of 1st  January 2018. Members are very...