Latest updates from EU Specialty Food Ingredients
27-09-2016 EFSA ANS Plenary Meeting
ELC attends as Observer the open session of the Plenary meeting of the ANS Panel, where experts discuss a.o. the safety re-evaluation of several food additives.
15-09-2016 EFLA Congress ‘EU Food Law after REFIT: Better regulation or more of the same?’
ELC presents its economic impact assessment setting out the impact of EU rules on innovation at the European Food Lawyers Association’s 21st International Scientific Congress 'EU Food Law after REFIT: Better regulation or more of the same?' in Warsaw, Poland (15-16/09).
18-08-2016 ELC expert appointed in EFSA Discussion Group on E-applications
An ELC expert has been appointed in a new EFSA consultative body that will contribute to a project aimed at implementing the future electronic submission and processing of applications for regulated products at EFSA.
27-07-2016 More news available in our members’ area !
In addition to the regular circular letters, information on the next Committee meetings are also be available on the members’ area. ELC members will also have the possibility to register for a Committee meeting via the Intranet, when registration is open.
19-07-2016 SPS Market Access Working Group meeting
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