Latest updates from EU Specialty Food Ingredients

12-04-2017 Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMPs)

EU Specialty Food Ingredients participate at DG SANTE’s Working Group meeting on the guidelines on the classification of food for special medical purposes.

29-03-2017 SPS Market Access WG

EU Specialty Food Ingredients is kept aware of the main developments on international markets.

20-03-2017 20th to 24th March – 49th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives

An important delegation of members from EU Specialty Food Ingredients participates to the work of the CCFA session in Macau.

06-03-2017 High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain

The High Level Forum’s objectives for 2017 are debated at a Sherpa meeting that EU Specialty Food Ingredients attends, based on the programme approved by the High Level Forum in December 2016. 

06-03-2017 EFSA technical meeting on Novel Food applications

EU Specialty Food Ingredients participates to the EFSA meeting where the requirements set by the EFSA guidance documents for the preparation and presentation of an application for authorisation of a novel food ingredient are discussed.

06-03-2017 ABS Consultation Forum

EU Specialty Food Ingredients contributes to the discussion on a draft guidance document for the food and feed sector, elaborated in the framework of the implementation of the Access and Benefit Sharing Regulation (Nagoya protocol).

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