Latest updates from EU Specialty Food Ingredients

15-06-2017 Novel food application – EFSA webinar

EFSA organises a webinar in order to detail the scientific aspects to consider when preparing a novel food application, which is followed by EU Specialty Food Ingredients.

30-05-2017 1st meeting of EFSA Stakeholder Forum

As EFSA’s registered stakeholder, EU Specialty Food Ingredients participates on 30th and 31st May in the inaugural meeting of the Forum, which has replaced the Stakeholder Consultative Platform (Parma)

09-05-2017 Vitafoods

EU Specialty Food Ingredients take part in the key note panel discussion about the impact of EU regulation on innovation in the ingredient sector, which is organised at Vitafoods, the global nutraceutical event (Geneva).

03-05-2017 Nanomaterials in food – reliability of measurement methods

A delegation from EU Specialty Food Ingredients contributes to a symposium organised by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (Ispra).

28-04-2017 Officials controls

Members of EU Specialty Food Ingredients hear at DG SANTE about the Food Audits programme.

24-04-2017 New Novel Food Regulation

DG SANTE gives an update to members of EU Specialty Food Ingredients about the preparation to the implementation of the new Regulation as from 01/01/2018.

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