Latest updates from EU Specialty Food Ingredients
03-10-2017 Better Functioning of the Food Supply Chain – High Level Forum Sherpa Group meeting
The Sherpa Group, of which EU Specialty Food Ingredients is a member, notably discusses the progress made by the JRC in developing a methodology to assess dual quality of foodstuffs.
03-10-2017 EUFIC conference – Trust in science in the post-fact era
EU Specialty Food Ingredients participates at this conference looking at how social media can influence public perception, how the post-fact era has influenced science journalism and science, and how different stakeholders could play a part in creating a new ‘fact era’.
28-09-2017 EU-US Food Law Conference
Organised by EFLA, the conference focuses on placing new food products on the market comparing the differences between the EU and US approaches, a topic of interest for EU Specialty Food Ingredients members.
20-07-2017 SPS Market Access WG
22-06-2017 EFSA Round Table with industry associations (Parma)
EU Specialty Food Ingredients contribute for the 4th consecutive year to the EFSA’s Roundtable , the aim of which is to discuss transparency and dialogue during EFSA’s risk assessment process.
20-06-2017 High Level Forum – Sherpa meeting
EU Specialty Food Ingredients attend the 4th meeting of the Sherpa group of the High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain, where dual quality of food products is discussed.
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