Latest updates from EU Specialty Food Ingredients

05-06-2018 ILSI China workshop on GMM

EU Specialty Food Ingredients makes a presentation on EU regulations on specialty food ingredients produced by GMM - with a global perspective.

01-06-2018 Brexit

DG SANTE’s Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health holds an ad-hoc meeting in order to allow stakeholders to gain the necessary information and explanation on relevant notices within DG SANTE policies on issues related to Brexit. This provides an interesting...

31-05-2018 Internal Market for Food

The Expert sub-group on the internal market for food of the High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain holds its second meeting and discusses about policy recommendations for the Commission on how to improve the single market for food.

22-05-2018 Panel discussion on EFSA’s Uncertainty guidance document

EU Specialty Food Ingredients follows a panel discussion on EFSA’s Uncertainty guidance document hosted by Julie Girling MEP in the European Parliament, held following the publication of EFSA’s Guidance on Uncertainty analysis in scientific assessments and ahead of a public consultation on EFSA’s draft Guidance...


At the plenary meeting of the Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health, EU Specialty Food Ingredients hear  from the European Commission about inter alia the  Revision of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 on general food law (transparency and sustainability of the...


EU Specialty Food Ingredients attend the first joint meeting of Stakeholders and Member State Competent authority experts on Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers on front-of-pack nutrition labelling.

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