Latest updates from EU Specialty Food Ingredients


As a member of EFSA Technical Group on Database on Notifications of Studies, EU Specialty Food Ingredients participates in the 3rd core meeting, the concept of which is to present “real life” scenarios.

26-01-2021 EFSA WORKSHOP

EFSA holds an interactive workshop on how to best work together to get prepared for future challenges in risk assessment and innovation, which EU Specialty Food Ingredients attends.

26-01-2021 FARM TO FORK

The European Commission organises a high-level launch event on the “Code of Conduct for Responsible Business and Marketing Practices” due for adoption in June 2021.

14-01-2021 FARM TO FORK

EU Specialty Food Ingredients hears at the "EU Farm to Fork Fireside chat on 2021 actions" held by the European Food Forum.


An expert from EU Specialty Food Ingredients participates in the 6th meeting of the ABS Regulation Forum organised by DG ENVI.

14-12-2020 BREXIT

2 weeks before the cutting date of 1st January 2021, DG SANTE organises an important meeting with its stakeholders, which EU Specialty Food Ingredients attends.

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